
About Us
iTherapy's team of highly respected award-winning speech-language pathologists is reinventing speech therapy by innovating and delivering cutting-edge interventions and technology. We are dedicated to improving quality of life for people who struggle with communication challenges.
We believe that the current technology is ready but underutilized and that communication can be mastered if people are provided with the right tools.
We make those tools.
What We Do
We are working to help autistic children and their families by creating a tool that anonymously screens for autism by using speech samples. Research has shown that early intensive intervention services can improve social and communication skills in autistic children. Other studies have shown that these gains can be maintained years later, after services have concluded. So increasing access to early intervention services is one of the key goals of our project.
But in order for our system to work, we will need your help! To ensure that the technology properly differentiates between autistic and non-autistic children, we will need lots of data from both populations. In the first stage of the project, we will be creating a website that will collect anonymous speech recordings from a variety of children. The recordings will help train the system to identify the unique acoustic traits that are often present in autistic children’s voices.
If you would like to contribute recordings to the project, please enter your recording(s) here. If you have any questions about EASI-AS and our Phase II SBIR work, please contact us at admin@itherapyllc.com
Who We Are

Lois Jean Brady
30+ years as Speech-Language Pathologist Multiple SBIR Principal Investigator Certified Autism Specialist Assistive Technology Expert Author of multiple books Co-owner and publisher of Autism Digest

Matthew Guggemos
Mensa Education & Research Foundation Trustee Speech-Language Pathologist Distinguished Member, American Society for AI Co-owner and publisher of Autism Digest Multiple SBIR Project Leader AI Technology Expert

Garrett Oyama
Speech-Language Pathologist Research Coordinator Musician Specialist in language and cognitive science Co-creator of beatboxing speech therapy curriculum Researcher in AI for speech assessment